January 2020 by Pastor Ken Berve
Starting a New Year from the Genesis
“So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them. God blessed them…God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.” Genesis 1:27-28, 31 (NRSV)
The Year of our Lord 2019 is officially over!
For some it was a rough year, full of challenges and loss. For others it was a good year full of blessings and hope. I imagine that, for most of us, it was a year full of both good and tough experiences. Wherever we landed in the last year, it is now over and we have a New Year’s worth of good and bad times ahead of us to look forward to!
So, what better way to start 2020 than with a sermon series diving into the Book of Genesis, and reflecting on the back and forth, up and down stories that tell of the beginning of our relationship with our Creator?
Inspired by the book, “Genesis of Grace” by John Indermark, I would like to spend the six weeks before we begin Lent, exploring the complicated and often frustrating relationship humankind and God have had since the beginning. From the creation story that ended with “very good”, to the fall and ousting of Adam and Eve, the Flood, Abraham and his offspring, and the beginning of a nation…in slavery.
And all that in just the first Book of the Bible!
Also, to start the new year off, keep an eye out for our updated website and Facebook pages! We hope they will be a useful resource for everyone who is a member and anyone who wants to know more about our community.
Here’s to a wonderful New Year for everyone and may God richly bless His church throughout the coming months.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Ken